- 12 endivias medianas
- 100 g d queso gruyère rallado
- Agua y sal
- 2 cucharadas soperas de harina
- 30g de mantequilla
- 2 cucharadas soperas de aceite fino
- 1/2 litro de leche fría
- Sal
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1. Medium 12endivias
2. 100g grated gruyere cheese d
3. Water and salt
1. 2 tablespoons flour
2. 30 g butter
3. 2 tablespoons of fine oil
4. 1 / 2 liter of cold milk
5. Sal
Prepare and cook the endives.
When cooked, drain well and placed in a glass bowl or ovenproof porcelain and is produced to make the cover bechamel.Se salsa.Se endive sprinkled with the grated cheese and put in the oven to broil. When golden brown, served in the same source.
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